Pediatric Nutrition Power Hour

with Dr. Monica Davern, MD MPH

You can unlock YEAR-ROUND wellness for your family through plant-based nutrition, without worrying about what to make or whether your kids are getting enough. 

Let me show you how


In This Masterclass 


Provide perfect nutrition in minutes that your entire family will enjoy

Replace stress & frustration with joy and connection at meal times

Create & fuel a healthy foundation for your kids that can last a lifetime

"Dr. Monica has changed the way I think about how I buy, cook, and even serve meals to my child. I am confident that this is setting a super healthy foundation for my family.

I can’t recommend this course highly enough!


Have mealtimes become one big power-struggle?

Could you imagine if you went out on a date, and your partner was staring at you every time you took a bite? Or telling you what to eat next? You ask for more bread and your date says "No honey, not yet, you haven't finished your potatoes!"

If this is how we interact with our kids at mealtimes... its NO WONDER they are reluctant to sit down and eat with us. 

In this Masterclass, I'll teach you how to reset the vibe for better eating success in just 3 easy steps.


Hi, I'm Dr. Monica

Board Certified Pediatrician, Vegan Athlete & Busy Mama

Before having kids did you ever think it would be so hard to feed them and feel confident that they were getting everything that they needed? Me neither. Even though I had been vegan AND a pediatrician for years by the time we had our first child, I had no idea I would end up struggling with what to do about picky eating and slow weight gain when my son was just a baby. I felt lost and frustrated every time we sat down for a meal.

That’s when I dug deep.

The truth is… you CAN help your kids thrive by raising them plant-based, and reclaim your sanity when it comes to time in the kitchen. This diet offers the best, most nutrient dense nutrition when you do it right. And with the right information, anyone can do it.

The benefits of this lifestyle for kids include:

đź‘Ź Less frequent & severe illness

👏 Perfect nutrients for brain & body development

đź‘Ź A healthy gut micro-biome

đź‘Ź More time as a healthy family

đź‘Ź Positive relationships with food

Ever since implementing this simple method, mealtimes are SO FUN and my kids have been growing like weeds. They’re smart, healthy, and happy too. Plus... they are hardly ever sick.

I want you to learn everything I’ve discovered the easy way! So I created this new masterclass, designed to inspire, empower and inform you on how to nourish your kids in the best way possible while leaving behind any stress, overwhelm, and self-doubt.

Let me show you how.